Justice For All? Look Back, Level Up and Second Season…

We take a look back at what happened in Justice For All?! What was missed, what worked, leveling up, and a sneak peek at Season 2, Hell Is Going To Hell! Music and Sound Effects by Battlebards Theme Music by MrSnooze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTm-WFM0v-g Selenar Ularyen (John Haremza/Legends of Tabletop) Kravoi Foodchaser… Continue reading

Justice For All? Episode Eleven: Mystery

Kravoi and Selenar begin to unravel the mystery of Oval. Music and Sound Effects by Battlebards Theme Music by MrSnooze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTm-WFM0v-g Additional Music by Healing Sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luo6WHryy9E Selenar Ularyen (John Haremza/Legends of Tabletop) Kravoi Foodchaser Nolakavea (John Neary) GM (Kurt Aumueller)