Inside the Pip


Did you know that life, no matter who we are, no matter what you do, ends?

Sad, huh?

I know. There’s a lot of good in this life. But that’s not without a lot of bumps along the way. The emptiness that’s lurking in the background.

THAT’S………..what this game is about.

Have you ever looked into the desolate, empty, white void of a die pip? Ever wonder why a die is called a die?

This RPG uses D6’s. Why not D4’s? That wouldn’t be fair. But life isn’t fair, is it?

This game is a horror game, and together you will all tell the story you don’t want to tell, but have to. You’ll all tell what lives beneath the cold, white pip.

What does that white pip represent? The cold, empty space on the moon? The blinding, white noise inside your head? The silence that you can’t and won’t EVER escape?

What beings belong in the setting? Aliens that want to feel human emotions but can’t ever feel emotions because they have to eat humans to stay alive, a schizophrenic woman trying to feel like she was hardwired correctly, a God who’s job it is to do “The Good Thing”, but only wants to HURT.

This is a free form RPG where everyone gets to tell the story. Not just one or two, EVERYONE.

THE D6’S! I almost forgot! When telling a scene in the story, everyone rolls a D6 and whomever rolls lowest gets to tell that scene. If there are ties, roll until one “winner” gets to tell that scene.

When telling the scene, remember that there is no “happy ending” here. There is no “silver lining”. This is a desperate horror story, plain and simple. The only thing funny about this game is the irony.

ANOTHER FUN THING ABOUT THE D6’S! When a decision is going to be made on setting, character, or outcome, roll a D6.

Before establishing the SETTING, roll your D6. Whatever number comes up, that’s how many soul crushing things will happen around the setting, whether it be a severed limb, lost mind, or broken heart.

Before introducing a CHARACTER, roll a D6. If you roll a 2 or a 3, they will either do 2 or 3 terrible things to other characters. If you roll a 4-6, they will do 4, 5, or 6 unspeakable things to themselves. If you roll a 1, you’re character will die. Don’t make it look pretty. That’s not what this game is about, happy endings.

Before the OUTCOME, or END to our story, roll a D6. If you roll a 2-4, you tell 2 truths that sting. If you roll a 5 or a 6, you tell 2 lies. If you roll a 1, you have the daunting task of THE unanswered question. I’m sorry if you have to do this, but the end comes for us all.

Don’t worry, when this is all over you can go back to your cushy lives. The end hasn’t come for you…yet.

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