The Long Trip Home Episode Eighteen: Reunion
Selenar and Kravoi are reunited with their family. Music and Sound Effects by Battlebards Selenar Ularyen (John Haremza/Legends of Tabletop) Kravoi Foodchaser Nolakavea (John Neary) GM (Kurt Aumueller)
Selenar and Kravoi are reunited with their family. Music and Sound Effects by Battlebards Selenar Ularyen (John Haremza/Legends of Tabletop) Kravoi Foodchaser Nolakavea (John Neary) GM (Kurt Aumueller)
Join Traci and Kurt as they talk about some small box games they haven’t even played yet! Can you imagine?! Plus, they talk about what they’ve played recently: Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition!
Kravoi and Selenar travel with Martin to Silverspade to help rebuild it.
Selenar, Kravoi, and their friends try to amend for past indiscretions.