Small Box Games: Games We Haven’t Played
Join Traci and Kurt as they talk about some small box games they haven’t even played yet! Can you imagine?! Plus, they talk about what they’ve played recently: Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition!
Join Traci and Kurt as they talk about some small box games they haven’t even played yet! Can you imagine?! Plus, they talk about what they’ve played recently: Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition!
Kravoi and Selenar travel with Martin to Silverspade to help rebuild it.
Selenar, Kravoi, and their friends try to amend for past indiscretions.
The alphabet game continues with the letter F! We have quite a few in our collection, but which one will we choose to focus on? Listen to find out! Also we talk about what we’ve been playing recently, The Goonies: Never Say Die!
Reiner Knizia has another game! Can you believe it? He has a roll and write attached to the Lost Cities franchise, but is it worth it? Check it out here! Also we talk about what we’ve been playing recently, including Summer Camp, Heroes Wanted, Gorinto, and Fantastic Factories.
Our alphabet game continues with the letter E! We may not have as many games in E as other letter, but we have some pretty good ones! The game we focus on this episode is Epic Resort by Floodgate Games! We also talk about what we’ve been playing recently including… Continue reading
Our heroes get to Silver Wolf, and Selenar is reunited with some old friends… Music and Sound Effects by Battlebards Selenar Ularyen (John Haremza/Legends of Tabletop) Kravoi Foodchaser Nolakavea (John Neary) GM (Kurt Aumueller)
Check out more of our Alphabet Game as we talk about the letter D! With so many to choose from, who can pick? We talk about a few, and we choose to focus on Dice Miner by Atlas Games. Check it out! Follow us through our media: Twitter: @mfgcast/@mrsaug Instagram:… Continue reading